Main Atal Hoon

This movie explores the inspiring life of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a legendary political leader in India. It beautifully portrays his various roles as a poet, a gentleman, and a statesman, showcasing his remarkable journey in Indian politics.

January 19


Release Date



19 minutes

2 hours

Running Time


Pankaj Tripathi

Benedict Garrett

Harshal Gire

Rajesh Dubeay

Harshad Kumar

Krishna Saajnani

Madhu Singh

Lovekkush Kundu



Average Rating

The above-mentioned average rating is based on the derived ratings of multiple review platforms

OH Review


Main Atal Hoon Movie Review


Main Atal Hoon attempts to portray the life of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, India's tenth Prime Minister. The narrative focuses more on Vajpayee's personal life and humanistic worldview, leaving a significant void in showcasing his role as a global leader and the challenges he faced during his time in office. The film briefly touches upon controversial aspects, but fails to provide a comprehensive and insightful portrait of the man and his contributions to Indian politics.


Pankaj Tripathi delivers a commendable performance as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, capturing his intonations and mannerisms with great precision. Tripathi brings brings life into the poet-prime minister on-screen. However, the screenplay restricts the actor's capabilities, limiting the impact of his portrayal. Despite Tripathi's efforts, the film lacks depth in terms of character development and fails to fully explore the complexities of Vajpayee as both a politician and an orator.


The cinematography in Main Atal Hoon is average, with no standout moments to captivate the audience visually. The film primarily focuses on presenting a straightforward narrative and falls short in utilizing visual elements to enhance the storytelling experience. The cinematography lacks creativity and fails to effectively convey the grandeur and significance of the events portrayed in the film.


Director Ravi Jadhav's approach to Main Atal Hoon is disappointing, as the film lacks depth and fails to delve into the complexities of Atal Bihari Vajpayee's political career. Jadhav's emphasis on Vajpayee's personal life and humane persona leaves a significant void in showcasing the statesmanship and leadership qualities of the man. The director's safe and uni-layered portrayal of Vajpayee limits the film's potential to offer a truly compelling and insightful biopic.


Main Atal Hoon falls short of expectations, missing the mark in portraying the life and times of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. While Pankaj Tripathi's performance brings some liveliness to the character, the film overall lacks depth and fails to explore the political and historical significance of Vajpayee's tenure as Prime Minister. The cinematography and direction are uninspiring, hindering the film's ability to engage and captivate the audience. Main Atal Hoon may find an audience among those who are less concerned with critical depth, but for those seeking a comprehensive and insightful portrayal, the film may leave them disappointed.

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Saibal Chatterjee

The Quint

Pratikshya Mishra

Times Now

Sonal Pandya

India TV

Jaya Dwivedie

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