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Mufasa: The Lion King
In Mufasa: The Lion King, mufasa, a young cub abandoned in the wild, befriends Taka, a noble lion prince. Together, they embark on a thrilling adventure to …
In Carry-On, a young TSA agent is blackmailed by a mysterious traveler to let a dangerous package through security onto a flight on Christmas Eve. The agent…
Baby John
In Baby John, a dedicated DCP undergoes a transformation and embarks on a journey to protect his family. He travels to different places, facing dangers and …
In Outhouse, aadima and Neel search for a missing friend when a stray puppy named Pablo brings unexpected joy to their lives. As they bond with Pablo…
In Vanvaas, a poignant tale of a family coming to terms with their father’s dementia diagnosis. As he struggles to hold on to his memories,…
Girls Will Be Girls
In Girls Will Be Girls, At a strict boarding school in the Himalayan foothills, 18 year old Mira falls in love for the first time. Her coming-…